Our Mission:

Organize. Change the World.

Organizing youth at the intersection of food insecurity, gender equity, and Environmental Justice .


Our Mission

1 Freedom for All’s mission is to teach youth of color to identify and stand in their own power, while addressing food insecurity in their immediate communities. Youth activists use the tools of organizing, popular education, culture and the arts, to create grassroots systemic change to achieve food justice.

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Become a Youth Leader at 1 Freedom for All

1 Freedom for All’s mission is to teach youth of color to identify and stand in their own power. Learn how to become a youth activist at 1 Freedom for All by taking our “ Youth To Power” survey.

Click here to sign up and we’ll be in contact.


Save 1 Freedom For All From Closing

URGENT MESSAGE FROM 1FREEDOM: The doors of our beautiful office space/organizing hub at 237 McClellan, in the Bronx will be closing on March 2021 -- in just a month -- if we don’t raise $100k by then. COVID-19 has shown us the importance of community support and solidarity, and the residency of our community -- we need each other to survive. 1Freedom organizes and mobilizes youth and community activists to create a new system that benefits working class people in the South Bronx. In the past 6 months we have received thousands of pounds of food that has fed over 2,000 families through our three community fridges located in the Bronx and Manhattan. We are asking all of our supporters to take a minute and help keep 1Freedom doors open and donate to our GoFundMe. OUR COMMUNITIES DESERVE IT!! #letsgetfree

Donate Here.